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Experience the On-Site Difference

Take a moment and listen to a sample of our TSR's in action. You'll hear clearly why partnering with ON-SITE TM can be the best investment you've ever made.


We mean it when we say we LOVE what we do... and not to toot our own horn,

but we think it certainly shows!

“When you need contact and caring in  medical call center services, On-Site is the right choice”

                                                                            —Wayne L., Principal CCP

--Listen to a full call from start to appointment set! 

--In a hurry, try a Soundbite in just over 60 seconds! 

--All calls have had names, addresses and any other private 

information omitted for privacy reasons.

Gently converting calls to sales
Converting calls to sales - Onsite TM
00:00 / 00:00

Soundbite Highlights Include:

--Patient brings up a typical objection, "Qualify the price."
--Our caller not only overcomes the objection, she gives the patient options and goes right into the next step...
--Asking for the sale! When our patient says she's busy, going on a trip, our TSR asks for the patient's commitment by getting her all signed up and in the system
--Now a lead has become a sale!

Here's a short soundbite showing how our TSR"s can change an objection and a stalling technique into a full sale all while doing it kindly, professionally and without being pushy.

Audiology Device Appointment

Full Call Highlights Include:

--Friendly and professional demeanor 

--Generates solid interest in new audiology device

--Engages patient with open ended questions

--Explains specific benefits of using new device along with unique advantages of opportunity

--Asks for and sets specific appointment with specialist

--Confirms times, location, patient understanding and more... 

A call doesn't have to be long to be good. In this instance our TSR grabs the patient's interest through her friendly demeanor and the engaging way she describes the device. It works and the patient signs up to come in and try it out! She makes sure each qualifying questions is handled and all is ready for the audiologist. 

Audiology Device Appointment - OnSite TM
00:00 / 00:00
Overcoming Objections Soundbite
Overcoming Objections Soundbite
Overcoming Objections Soundbite

Soundbite Highlights Include:

--During the earlier part of the call an appointment is set with the doctor.
--Patient brings up a typical objection, "I'm already healthy."
--Our TSR hears the patient and overcomes, adding value by        explaining the preventative care benefits for healthy patients
--Patient agrees and interested is solidified. 
--This unsure patient ended up as a part of the program

We know you're busy, so here's a quick soundbite of an Onsite TSR overcoming a patient objection and solidifying the value of a physicians new program. 

Building Value Soundbite - OnSite TM
00:00 / 00:00
Building Value
Audiology Webinar Registration - Onsite TM
00:00 / 00:00

Full Call Highlights Include:

-- Offers warmth and connection and patience

-- Generates peaked interest in new audiology device

-- Asks open ended questions to engage patient

-- Establishes value by explaining benefits of new device

-- Invites to and signs up patient for event

--Confirms times, location, patient understanding and more... 

In this call, you'll hear our TSR empathizing with a patient during these uncertain COVID-19 times which leads  to a qualified sales event appointment.  That crucial mix of kindness, patience and professionalism needed for the healthcare market. That's what we do! 

Audiology Webinar Registration
Answering Price Concerns

Soundbite Highlights Include:

--During the earlier part of the call the program is explained and when the TSR tries to set an apptointment, patient asks about the price.
--Patient brings up a typical objection, "I can't afford it!"
--Our TSR hears the patient and overcomes, by explaining payment plan options and asks again if it will work.
--Patient agrees with a payment plan, says it is more feasible--The price objection is overcome and the TSR sets an appointment for a representative callback.

Here's another quick soundbite of an Onsite TSR overcoming the price objection and goes into payment plan details.
This call that would have ended with a no, becomes a solidified lead. Patient says, "I'd love to join the program!"

Answering Price Concerns - OnsiteTM
00:00 / 00:00
Web Lead Campaign Follow Up

Full call includes:

--Our representative Robin engages patient in a warm and friendly manner with the assumption that patient has some interest in the medical evice since she had already filled out the online form requesting more details.
--Robin helps patient recollect her web research by citing some of the devices highlights
--The patient recalls the product and shares her enthusiasm over this opportunity to connect with someone who may be able to help with her hearing issues
--An appointment to meet with a representative is set and all details are confirmed
--The patient has some pricing questions and Robin handles them smoothly with confidence, this product it worth it she assures!
--Patient moves forward with scheduling and is looking forward to the appointment. We will also provide a text and call reminder.

Web Lead Appt - Onsite TM
00:00 / 00:00
Appointment Setting Lead 

Soundbite Highlights Include:

--You'll hear our slogan, "SMILE WHEN YOU DIAL" shining through on this call from start to finish.

--Patient says she's not ready so TSR works on a callback time

--TSR sets an appointment for a specific rep in the office only after making sure the caller is fully qualified, aware of pricing

--TSR covers payment options and additional benefits of program

--Time is set with office rep for a face to face appointment 

You'll hear the warmth and understanding of our TSR's in this call where an specific appointment is set with an office representative. Sometimes all it takes is that gentle nudge to go from somewhat interested to a qualified appointment. 

Appointment Setting Lead - Onsite TM
00:00 / 00:00
B2B Office Appointment 

Full call includes:

--Aimee gets reconnected with the office manager by placing a timely follow up call.
--Aimee sets an appointment for a specific time and covers the details of who wil be there even though the office is "busy".
--Aimee asks all the needed and detailed qualifying questions so the sales team will be prepared for the appointment.
--Light lunch and coffee are offered to the doctor and office staff
--Office manager says to call just before the appointment so they can choose the best lunch special that day. She is on board!

You'll hear the professionalism and warmth  of our TSR in this call where an specific appointment is set with an office representative and the doctor. Sometimes all it takes follow up along with a gentle nudge to go from somewhat interested but"too busy" to a qualified appointment. Our reps are persistant, not pushy.

B2B office appointment - Onsite TM
00:00 / 00:00

Like what you hear...

Give us a call or send us an email to learn more about the possibilities!

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